The Blog
Teacher Toolbox Organizer…At last!
Tap, Tap, Tap…Is this thing on? I took quite the blogging hiatus at the beginning of summer. Our family spent a week in Disney World, and I have been soaking up all the time I can with my kids. When…
Mother’s Day Freebie
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! I hope that all of your students treat you well this week, and I also hope that your PTA has something special planned for you. Our celebrations look to be rather caloric, but I’m still very…
3 Words End of the Year Activity
I wanted to share a little activity our school does at the end of each year. As a class, we all watch one of Good Morning America’s 3 Words Videos (I always screen them and make sure I find an…
Top 10 Tips for Building Reading Fluency
We have all heard about the shift that happens, usually between second and third grade, when students (should) go from learning to read to reading to learn. Unfortunately, for some students, their ability to read to learn is stifled by…
Dividing Fractions Anchor Chart, Game Freebie, and Math Journal
We tackled dividing fractions this week! I was a little bit apprehensive about it since these are wee little fourth graders working on this tough stuff, but they did GREAT! Although I follow the CCSS, I thought it was a…
Perimeter and Area
We finished our perimeter and area unit several weeks ago (right before fractions!), but I never got around to posting some of the engaging activities we did. This was really a review for my kids, so it was fun to…
Anchor Charts | Literacy | Literacy Anchor Charts | Novel Study | Novel Study | Novels & Picture Books | Reading Skills
Independent Reading Response Anchor Charts
I’m excited to share these anchor charts with you! We have been using these for quite some time now, and my students are becoming pros. A lot of the time, I do have students answering specific questions, but depending on…
Multiplying Fractions
We finished up adding and subtracting fractions right before the break, and now we are hitting multiplying and dividing fractions. We began with multiplying fractions, and we did a mega-anchor chart. I teach 4th grade TAG students, so I am…
Learning Never Takes a Break!
When I ask kids what they did over spring break, I so often hear “nothing.” Horse Hockey! Even if you didn’t go on an extravagant vacation, you most certainly DID do something. Then I pose the question, “How did you…
Novel Preview Quick Write
We began our new (and maybe last of the year) Novel today. I am so thrilled to share My Side of the Mountain with my students. My students were also very excited to read it…we have been keeping a theme…
First of all–thank you all SO much for your support of Task Card Corner! I am so excited about my new endeavor there, and I am already positively giddy over the positive responses I have had. To celebrate the beginning…
Task Card Test Prep & Announcement!
Hi there! First thing is first: IT’S SPRING BREAK over at Casa de Mountain View! I had big plans for pumping out some TpT goodies, and I have two massive blog posts in the works, but my sweet girls have…