The Blog
The Great Big Collection of Test Prep Resources
It’s that time of year…whether you dread it or just deal with it (or do a little bit of both), state testing time will be here before you know it. Let’s face it–nobody looks forward to administering hours of tests,…
Teachers Are Heroes Sale
Did you ever know that you’re a child’s hero? Even if they haven’t told you, I am most certain that you are. And today, TpT wants to recognize that when you walk into your classrooms every day, you are a…
Oreo Stacking Contest for Mean, Median, Mode Lesson!
Last year, I posted a picture on my Facebook fan page of my students stacking Oreos. It was such a hit that I promised I would blog about it, and I completely forgot. Until now! I loved the idea from…
Perimeter & Area of Irregular Shapes
I was spending hours reminiscing and looking through old photos when I came across these few photos that I had taken of a lesson on perimeter of irregular shapes. I remembered how much I loved it, and I wanted to…
Line Plot Activities and Resources
Line Plots. When I even think of the words, I shudder. It’s one of the trickiest concepts for students. What do those Xs mean? The numbers on the bottom? YOU WANT ME TO PUT FRACTIONS ON THERE!? I have racked…
Teaching Cause and Effect in Upper Elementary
Upper elementary students have a lot of experience with cause and effect, but that doesn’t mean you can skip this skill! Here are some ideas for doing more when teaching cause and effect that I used with rather high 5th…
Literacy | Anchor Charts | Free | Informational Texts | Literacy Anchor Charts | Reading Skills | Task Cards
Analyzing Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.6: Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in focus and the information provided. I’m not going to lie. This was a scary standard for me to tackle. It’s one…
Educational Upper Elementary Halloween Activities for the BIG KIDS!
Every year, I find myself frantically searching for upper elementary Halloween activities that are suitable for the big kids. There are tons of adorable activities for the K-1 crowd, but finding activities that are both educational and engaging for older…
An Amazon Listing Cumulative Novel Project!
It’s no secret that I love a good cumulative novel project as an assessment. I usually spend the entire novel brainstorming how we can sum it up! Sometimes the projects are a miss (you don’t get to read about those!)…
Teaching Compare & Contrast
A few weeks ago, my two year olds and I were perusing the shelves of the library when they stumbled upon a book that they wanted to read “because there is an apple and an orange, and I like fruit!”…
The One Rule Classroom: Just a little RESPECT!
There are so many ideas for classroom rules, and I love and respect many of them. I remember my mentor walking in on my first day of teaching while we were generating class rules. The kids, by nature, were shouting…
Teaching Place Value
A few weeks ago, I asked my Facebook followers about the very first thing they taught in math at the beginning of the school year. All but one or two people said PLACE VALUE! I looked back at my blog…