The Blog
‘-dge and -ge Word Ending Intervention (and Freebie) & A Newsletter Surprise!
Where has the time gone!? I have a whole list of blog posts ready to go, but we have been so busy in school with all kinds of fun things that I have also been busy creating new resources to…
Line Study: Take 2!
I posted several months ago about geometry study. This standard is coming around again with another group of students, and this time I have revamped it a little bit. I have the line study cards ready for them, using the…
Classroom Pictures
Check out the new link at the top of my page for pictures of my classroom and previous classrooms! I have also added a link to pictures of every anchor chart I post on the blog. More coming soon! If…
Hard and Soft C and G Sounds
In one of my intervention groups, we are working on hard and soft “c” and “g” sounds. When I was teaching in third grade, we did this yearly as a spelling rule. We began with Hard & Soft C and…
Visualizing & A Freebie
In one of my intervention groups, we are working on the skill of visualizing as a reading strategy. These are 3rd and 4th graders that I’m working with, so at this point, they are reading more advanced text and focusing…
Winter Wonderland Reading Incentive!
It’s that time of year… lots of teacher are winding down and getting ready for the long awaited winter break. Unfortunately, so are the kids. My first year teaching, I remember being shell shocked looking at my progress monitoring data…
Patterns & Coordinate Graphing
We are finishing up our patterns and coordinate graphing unit! My kids had so much fun with this one, especially coming up with their own patterns. They love to really push the limits and think outside the box when creating…
Theme & Evidence Anchor Charts
I am working on a blog post that should publish tomorrow about coordinate graphing and patterning, but I thought I would share two of my recent anchor charts that don’t really have a place anywhere else. The first one is…
Task Card Corner
**Check out my NEW blog totally dedicated to task cards!* I have been working on my Task Card Corner, and I’m so excited to finally share it with “the world.” I’m so pleased with how it turned out, and my…
Teaching Context Clues
I think that, right along with teaching inference, teaching context clues is one of the most crucially important skills that we teach as educators. It is also one of the more tricky skills that students are faced with, so I…
Nonfiction Main Idea
Are you looking for a new an exciting way to have your students work on identifying main idea in nonfiction texts? This is a super low-prep activity that I’ve had great success with for years! Have extra Time for Kids…
Multiplying Decimals Freebie Find!
I had a sub (we actually call them guest teachers now!) yesterday morning while I was busy collaborating with some other teachers in the district for a Daily 5 training we are leading. As I was planning for my math…