Whether you are looking for the perfect holiday gift for your kids OR the perfect holiday gift for your classroom, I have the best gift recommendation for you (and as a bonus, it’s a gift that keeps on giving ALL year long)! It’s called The Week Junior!
I discovered The Week Junior in 2020, and our family has been receiving it once per week ever since. We started using it when we were homeschooling, and now I use it at home AND in the classroom. Not a week goes by that we aren’t engrossed in a conversation spurred by a story in the magazine.
Not only that, but I am constantly finding ways that I can incorporate the magazine into my teaching — last week it was an ocean-themed edition that I gifted to a student who is enamored with oceanography. The week before, it was incorporating the spread about Machu Picchu into our Wonders unit. Before that, I pulled out past editions to do a deep dive into the purpose of text features.

What is The Week Junior?
The Week Junior is a weekly news magazine that helps 8-to-14-year-olds make sense of the world with topical and timely takes on a broad range of subjects. Their mission is to inform, engage, and empower children, and their varied, trustworthy, unbiased content does just that!
Each The Week Junior issue is 32 full-color pages, and it touches on timely topics, providing context and clarity on complex issues and current events. It encourages lively classroom and home discussions and debates, and it also encourages students to dive deeper into the topics.

Each issue offers a wide range of stories on current events and news from nature, science, technology, sports, culture, and the world of books. There is literally something for everyone, and I love that each subject is presented in an exciting, engaging way to instill a love of reading and learning that will truly last a lifetime.
My Honest Review of The Week Junior
What stuck out the most to me about The Week Junior is how very timely it is. I joke with my kids that they must tweak the issues until the day they go to print because they are able to cover topics so quickly and thoroughly.
I love the way The Week Junior is arranged in a predictable pattern. My students and children have their favorite sections, and they truly love it when a new issue shows up in the mailbox or is placed on the board in our classroom!

Order The Week Junior NOW!
Ready to make magic happen for the reader in your life?
Subscribe today and get the first 6 issues RISK-FREE. After that you’ll get 19 more issues (25 in all) for $49.95—that’s a savings of 66% off the cover price, less than $2 per issue! Plus, you’ll receive Out of This World Puzzles magazine FREE! This holiday season, The Week Junior is partnering with Reading Is Fundamental to provide reading resources and support to children in some of the nation’s most under-resourced communities. Your purchase today will provide a child with a six-month subscription to The Week Junior and endless opportunities to learn, explore, and be inspired by reading.
If you have any questions about The Week Junior, feel free to reach out! I love talking about high-quality resources for teachers and parents, and this is definitely one of them!
Mary Montero
I’m so glad you are here. I’m a current gifted and talented teacher in a small town in Colorado, and I’ve been in education since 2009. My passion (other than my family and cookies) is for making teachers’ lives easier and classrooms more engaging.
We also love the week junior! I am sensing it’s time for something a wee bit more sophisticated for my 14 y.o. Might you have any recommendations for the next step after The Week Jr.?