State testing season is just around the corner, and we know the pressure it brings… not just for students but for you as their guide and biggest cheerleader. To help make test prep a little easier, we’re sharing the BEST test-taking strategies that set your students up for success! These practical tips will save you prep time while giving your students an edge.

General Test-Taking Strategies and Tips
When students are calm, focused, and well-prepared, they are more likely to use the strategies you’ve taught them. I make sure to cover both specific test-taking strategies and mindset.
1. Get in the Right Mindset
Helping students manage stress and stay grounded can make a world of difference. Visit this post for a list of positive mindset books with students before testing! Read-alouds are a great way to cement and reinforce the positive mindset you’ve worked to build all year.
2. Teach (and start practicing) Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic devices can help students approach questions with structure and clarity. Here are three of my favorites for use during testing season. I’ll dig into this more in future emails!
- RACE for Written Responses: Restate, Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain.
- SLAM for Multiple-Choice: Skim the question, Look for keywords, Analyze choices, Match evidence to your answer.
- CUBES for Math: Circle, Underline, Box, Examine, Solve
3. Look for Specific Question Types
From multiple-choice and short answers to TDA (text-dependent analysis) prompts and subject-specific skills, we spend time learning how to handle each question type. When students are familiar with question stems and verbiage commonly found on tests, they are less likely to panic when faced with a tricky question. Start practicing that domain-specific vocab NOW!
Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-choice questions may seem straightforward, but they can be trickier than they appear! Help your students master them with these steps:
- Skim the Question First: Teach students to quickly skim the question to get a sense of what’s being asked before even glancing at the text.
- Look for Keywords: Encourage students to underline or circle keywords or phrases in the question because these often point to what the test makers are looking for. This is where domain-specific vocabulary comes in handy, too!
- Analyze the Choices: Remind students to read all the options before choosing their answer. Often, a distractor choice may be close but not quite correct. Look for phrases like “always,” “never,” “every,” “all,” “none,” “impossible,” etc.
Eliminating Wrong Answers
Teaching students to eliminate wrong answers is a fantastic way to help them sharpen their focus and increase their chances of success on test day. Here are practical strategies to teach your students the power of elimination:
- Spot the Distractors: Answer choices with words like “always,” “never,” or “only” often signal extreme statements that should be selected with caution.
- The Pink Elephant in the Room: I can’t remember where this idea originated (I didn’t come up with it), but it’s my favorite! I teach students to look for the pink elephant answer. It’s the answer that test makers intentionally add, and it looks ALMOST right — like an elephant…. But there is one little thing wrong with it. It’s the red herring in the bunch, and there is almost always going to be a pink elephant that needs to be eliminated.
- Irrelevant Details: Point out that some options contain details from the test passage or problem but don’t actually address what the question is asking.
- Group Alike Answers: If two choices look almost identical, encourage students to dig deeper and determine why one sticks more closely to the question’s requirements.
- Ask Why: Encourage students to mentally “debate” their answers. If they can’t defend why a choice is probably correct, it’s probably not the right one.
- Cross Off Quickly: Physically crossing out wrong choices can lighten the mental load. When fewer options remain, it’s easier to focus on what works.
- Trust Their Instincts: If a choice initially felt right, but overthinking has made them question it, encourage them to return to their first impression unless strong evidence says otherwise.
Short-Answer Responses
Short-answer responses require precision and proof. Help your students with these tips:
- Restate the Question: This technique helps students stay on track and signals to evaluators that they understood the question.
- Answer in Complete Sentences: Remind students that complete sentences show they’re organized in their thinking.
- Pull Evidence Directly From the Text: Practicing citing specific lines or phrases will set them up for success. Encourage them to reference the text explicitly, even if it’s just a single detail. Review the difference between paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting.
- Review the Prompt: After they’ve completed their response, teach students to reread the prompt and be sure their response covers all parts of it and answer each question.
TDA Prompts (Text-Dependent Analysis)
TDA prompts require critical thinking and evidence-based writing, which can often feel intimidating for students. Simplify it for them with these steps:
- Unpack the Prompt: Before writing, have students carefully break down what the prompt is asking. Teach students to underline tasks in the question, such as “analyze,” “compare,” or “explain.” Knowing what’s being asked helps them write a focused response. Be sure to read my “Dissecting a Prompt” Blog Post!
- Plan Before Writing: A quick outline or bullet points can help students organize their thoughts. Encourage them to jot down 2-3 key points and the evidence they’ll use to support each.
- Use RACE: The “RACE” strategy (Restate, Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain) provides structure and ensures their responses are focused and well-supported. The “Explain” in RACE is key because it’s where students connect their evidence to the larger idea or insight the prompt is driving toward.
4. Manage Time Effectively
Time management is key to success during state tests. Here are some strategies to help your students make the most of their time:
- Use Checkpoints: Teach students to check the clock to ensure they’re on track periodically.
- Practice with Timed Activities: Regularly include timed practice exercises during lessons to help students get used to pacing themselves. This helps build their confidence and awareness of how long they spend on tasks.
- Don’t Get Stuck on One Question: Encourage your students to flag tricky questions and move on. Returning to them later with fresh eyes prevents wasting valuable time.
- Finish Strong: If time is running low, remind students to make their best guesses on unanswered questions rather than leaving anything blank. A logical attempt is always better than no attempt!
Domain-Specific Vocabulary
One common hurdle students face during assessments is not understanding domain-specific vocabulary. Testing terms like “central idea,” “main idea,” and “message” may seem straightforward, but students’ unfamiliarity with interchangeable phrasing can lead to confusion. Preparing them with this vocabulary ensures they can focus on applying their skills, not decoding the question itself. This is important across ALL subject areas. Here’s how you can support students:
1. Explicitly Teach Domain-Specific Vocabulary
When I introduce new words, I follow a specific procedure that uses many modalities (visual, auditory, tactile through writing, etc.) that are all proven by research to be essential to vocabulary acquisition.
- Detailed Blog Post: This post thoroughly covers my approach and includes a FREE vocabulary kit.
- Math Vocabulary: This post specifically covers domain-specific math vocabulary. It also includes a FREE PDF guide and extra practice for 145 math vocabulary terms!
- Comprehension Sort: With this FREE reading skill review game, students have to find the definition for the reading skill AND match the key word/examples to the reading skill. It’s a fun, quick way to review these skills:
2. Make Interchangeable Terms Routine
- Use Multiple Terms in Lessons: When teaching concepts, make a habit of using different versions of the same term so students recognize them. For example:
- “Today, we’ll find the central idea of the passage. This is the same as determining the main idea or the author’s message.”
- Explain that some tests might ask about “supporting evidence” while others use “text details” or “proof.” By exposing students to all variations, you build their confidence and adaptability.
- Create Vocabulary Lists: Develop a list of commonly interchangeable terms for key concepts in subjects like math, reading, and science. Share this list with your students and post it in the classroom as a reference.
3. Review Often
- Daily Vocabulary Practice: Dedicate a few minutes each day to review domain-specific terms and their uses. You can do quick warm-ups like matching terms to definitions, identifying synonyms, or role-playing asking and answering test questions. Use domain-specific vocabulary in all subjects, not just during ELA or test prep lessons. Discuss “interpret” during a science experiment or “measure” in math to reinforce that these skills span disciplines.
- Text Features Sort: Download this FREE text structures sort that includes short, one or two-sentence descriptions that fit into each structure. The themes are super fun– video games, swimming, chocolate chips, and fast food.
- Reading Flipbooks: These reading comprehension flipbooks provide students with a cohesive review of comprehension skills like POV, author’s purpose, inference, and more.
- Math Flipbooks: These engaging and rigorous flipbooks review EVERY SINGLE grade-level math standard! You will love the teaching, skill reinforcement, and test prep they provide.
✏️ Writing/Grammar Tips
Helping students master writing and grammar for state tests requires a mix of targeted practice and clear strategies. Here’s how you can support them effectively:
1. Focus on Commonly Tested Grammar Rules
Some grammar concepts are frequent state-test staples. Teach and reinforce these key areas:
- Punctuation: Focus on commas, apostrophes, and periods. Practice their usage in lists, possessives, and to separate clauses.
- Subject-Verb Agreement: Have students practice identifying subject-verb pairs in sentences, ensuring they agree in number.
- Sentence Structure: Highlight the differences between simple, compound, and complex sentences. Use examples to show how each type works and practice identifying fragments and run-ons.
2. Cover Sentence Combining and Editing Exercises
State tests often assess students’ ability to recognize concise, well-structured sentences or revise fragments:
- Combining Sentences: Teach students to look for redundant or repetitive ideas. For example, practice merging sentences like, “The cat jumped. The cat landed on the chair.” to “The cat jumped and landed on the chair.”
- Editing for Clarity: Provide editing exercises where students must identify and fix awkward phrasing, misplaced modifiers, or wordiness.
- Peer Review: Pair students to review each other’s writing, encouraging them to spot grammar errors or suggest smoother sentence structures.
These editing and revising lesson slides provide a clear, structured approach to the revising and editing process, making it easy for teachers to implement and engaging for students. With interactive lesson slides, a guided student note-taking companion, and helpful reference tools, this resource supports students in becoming more confident writers!
3. Practice Revising and Improving Paragraphs
State tests may ask students to revise entire paragraphs or passages. Equip students with tools to identify areas for improvement:
- Focus on Organization: Teach them to look for a clear topic sentence, supporting details, and a strong concluding sentence.
- Eliminate Redundancy: Encourage students to cut out repetitive ideas or overly long explanations. Brevity is key during a timed test!
- Add Transitions: Have students practice adding transition words to link ideas smoothly.
- Polish Word Choice: Point out areas where they can use more precise language or stronger verbs to make their writing clear and engaging.
Then use these ten silly stories filled with mistakes and paired with funny illustrations to practice editing. Your students will find and correct errors and revise the stories to improve them. You can use this resource in small groups, intervention sessions, or with the whole class.
📚 Reading Tips
Success in the reading portion of state tests depends on strong comprehension skills and strategic approaches to answering questions. Here’s how you can guide your students to excel:
1. Spend Time Annotating and Finding Evidence in the Text
Teaching students to actively engage with texts makes it easier for them to find evidence and understand key ideas:
- Teach Annotation Strategies: Encourage students to underline key details, circle unfamiliar words, and jot down quick notes in the margins.
- Look for Clues in the Question: Help students connect the question to specific parts of the text. For example, if a question asks about a character’s motivation, they should search for dialogue or descriptions that reveal the character’s thoughts or actions.
- Highlight Keywords: Teach students to underline or highlight question keywords (e.g., “why,” “how,” “mainly”) to focus their reading and locate relevant evidence faster.
2. Practice Multiple-Choice Questions with Close Answers
Multiple-choice questions often include answer options that seem correct but rely on subtle differences. Prepare your students to handle these common traps:
- Compare Details Carefully: Encourage students to eliminate answers that don’t match what the text states directly. This simplifies their choices and improves accuracy.
- Cross-Reference Text with Options: Teach them to always double-check their selected answer with the relevant part of the text to confirm it fits.
- Practice with Similar Examples: Expose students to questions designed to have close options. Use these as teaching moments to show how one choice aligns better with textual evidence.
3. Use Paired Texts
Paired texts that ask students to analyze two passages, poems, or other formats and synthesize information are a significant part of state tests. These tips will help:
- Compare Central Ideas: Encourage students to identify the theme or main message in each text first before looking for connections.
- Use a Venn Diagram: Introduce graphic organizers that help students visually map out similarities and differences between texts.
- Understand Purpose: Teach students to look for how each text approaches the topic differently For example, one might be factual, while the other appeals emotionally.
- Practice Cross-Referencing Evidence: If a question asks, “How do both authors explore resilience?” students should find examples from both texts and explain how each author presents the idea uniquely.
This is the PERFECT paired passage resource for teachers in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades looking to help their students find success with two paired reading passages. The process is easy: read and annotate two passages, answer text-based questions, and then analyze both passages together using carefully crafted response activities.
📏 Math Tips
Success in the math portion of state tests requires strong problem-solving skills and clear mathematical communication. Here’s how you can help your students perform at their best:
1. Teach the CUBES Method
The CUBES strategy teaches students to approach each problem systematically:
- Circle important numbers and labels in the problem.
- Underline the question
- Box operation clues
- Examine the question
- Solve the problem step by step
2. Practice Mult-Step Problems
Don’t forget to practice more complex, multi-step problems too. Multi-step problems can feel overwhelming to students, but proven strategies can help them break problems into manageable steps.
Cutouts are a great way to approach multi-step problems. Each half-page word problem includes 4-5 steps to solve it. Students must cut out the steps and rearrange them into the correct order to fully explain how to solve each problem.
This is THE resource you need when teaching your students to tackle tricky multi-step word problems! This bundle includes 60 multi-step word problem brochures to help your students MASTER multi-step word problems in a fun and impactful brochure format. Each problem has 2-3 guiding questions to help your students approach multi-step problems in a step-by-step format. Just print each brochure, fold down the middle, and snip two or three times to split up your steps. Then you’re ready to tackle multi-step word problems using the CUBE method one step at a time.
3. Remember to Cover Writing in Math
State tests often require students to explain their reasoning and how they solved a problem. Teach students these techniques for writing about math effectively:
- Use Math Vocabulary: Have students learn and apply specific terms like “equal,” “factor,” or “denominator” when describing their work.
- Show Their Work Clearly: Teach students to organize their work neatly, labeling steps with words or symbols so that anyone reviewing their solution can follow their process.
- Explain the “Why”: Encourage students to describe why they chose a particular strategy or operation. For instance, they might write, “I used multiplication because the problem asks for the total after grouping items into equal sets.”
- Model Full Responses: Share examples of strong explanations with the class and discuss what makes them effective. For instance, “First, I multiplied the base and height of the triangle to find the area. Then, I divided by 2 because that’s part of the formula for finding the area of a triangle.”
Mary Montero
I’m so glad you are here. I’m a current gifted and talented teacher in a small town in Colorado, and I’ve been in education since 2009. My passion (other than my family and cookies) is for making teachers’ lives easier and classrooms more engaging.