The Blog
Free First Week of School Plans
Have you already started your first week of school plans? I’ve always spent hours upon hours upon hours perfecting my first week of school plans. Then I usually get about half of what I planned done, which usually makes the second…
Supporting Student Learning at Home
At the beginning, middle, and end of every single school year, I always have parents ask me for tips about how they can support their child’s learning at home. Sometimes they are looking for worksheets or workbook recommendations. Oftentimes, they…
Brain Break Videos that your kids will LOVE!
While GoNoodle has always been a staple in my classroom, I’ve found that the older the kids are, the less enthusiastic they tend to be about getting their groove on in front of the rest of the class. I’ve tried…
Literacy | Classroom | Classroom Management | Classroom Organization | Comprehension | Free | Reading Skills
Reading Skills Quick Reference Guide
Well, to say it’s been a while since I’ve posted would be an understatement! Although I haven’t posted a new update here, I’ve been busy sharing ideas on Instagram and Facebook. I am also constantly updating old blog posts as…
Analyzing Math Errors: Conceptual vs. Computation Errors
It’s not secret that I’m a huge fan of error analysis. I have blogged extensively about explicitly teaching error analysis and find that it increases student understanding of individual concepts in incredible ways! How I Teach Error Analysis I am…
One Reading Game: Five Ways
I’m popping in with a quick post to share a few new ways to use my Reading Games for reading comprehension review! I get a ton of questions about different ways to play this game, so here are a few…
Reading Skill Review
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love coming back to my classroom in January. By this point in the year, our routines are solid, and it is a great time to really dig in to content. It’s also…
Top 10 Educational Holiday Activities for Big Kids
The holidays are coming, and you might be scrambling to incorporate some Christmas activities into your lesson plans! You want to keep things fun and festive, but you also have to keep things rigorous and academic. Finding the perfect balance…
Thanksgiving Writing Activity
Hi there! Can you believe there is only a week until Thanksgiving!? I am in total disbelief that it’s already November 14th… Time sure does fly. I’m popping in to share an always-popular Thanksgiving writing activity! This activity was inspired by my wonderful…
Skittles Math!
There are a few reasons that I always keep Skittles on hand in my classroom. First of all, they are one of my favorite sweet treats. Second, I never know when I am going to need them for some math!…
Multi-Step Word Problems Mastery
How many of you cringe at the thought of teaching your students multi-step word problems? (RAISES HAND!) I get it. I know. It’s tough. It is overwhelming, and it’s not necessarily something that just “clicks” for kids. They need practice,…
Complete Sentences and Beyond!
Even though I teach fourth grade, I still find that, at the beginning of the year, I have many, many students who struggle with writing complete sentences. It’s usually a pretty quick fix to remind them what a complete sentence…