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End of the Year Awards

# of Pages: 300

File Type(s): ZIP, PDF, Google Apps


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End of Year Awards are positive for ALL students! These classroom awards are the ultimate way to celebrate your students at the end of the year! These printable and digital awards are the perfect tool to host your own classroom awards ceremony… and this resource makes it so easy to plan!

Included are 125 unique award certificates to hand out to kids as awards or superlatives toward the end of the year. You can have students vote on these or choose them yourself. Every single award is unique to your students so no two students get the same award.

Your kids will be grinning ear to ear when they receive their award! I began handing out these awards in 2010, and my students have loved them year after year. I hope your students love these end of the year awards as much as mine have!

*The #1 Selling End of the Year Awards year after year and the all-time best selling End of the Year Awards on TpT!*

What you will find in this set of End of the Year Awards :

  • Two versions of 130+ printable awards in PDF format (Original & Modern Ink Saver versions)
  • DIGITAL Google Slides Version of all 125 Awards & Directions for Use (Ink Saver Version Only)
  • A Semi-Editable PowerPoint file to create your own custom award
  • Two PowerPoint files with 125 editable and printable awards (to add names and dates)
  • An AUTOFILL version of the modern Ink Saver awards (requires the free version of Adobe Reader)
  • Editable Nomination or Award Tracker Form
  • A ‘Host Your Own Awards Ceremony’ guide – Includes step-by-step instructions to host your own classroom awards ceremony including editable caregiver invitations and projectable backgrounds!
The 125+ unique end of the year awards include:
Friendly Neighbor
Morning Person
Right Hand Man
Right Hand Woman
Always Smiling
Problem Solver
Listening Ear
Class Comedian
Never a Dull Moment
Ravenous Reader
Mr. Sports
Ms. Sports
Writing Wizard
American Idol
Ray of Sunshine
Future Teacher
Amazing Artist
Computer Whiz
Future Scientist
Future President
Heading to Hollywood (Actress/Actor)
Guiding Light
Handwriting Hero
Word Whiz
Leader of the Pack (Line Leader award)
Daring Dancer
Dreamer (For Creative Imaginations)
Out of My Shell
Wonderful Worker
Happy Helper
Road Runner
Mr. Caring
Ms. Caring
Snicker Starter (For always making us laugh!)
All Around All-Star
Soaring toward Success (Most Improved)
Awesome Attendance
King & Queen of Questions
Daring Diver (For diving right in)
Outstanding Organizer
Creative Kid
Mr. Cooperative
Ms. Cooperative
Stick to It Award (For never giving up)
Mother Nature
History Buff
Curious Cat
Attitude is Everything
Fact Fanatic (Math Fact Award)
Super Speller
Mr. Green (Environmentally friendly kiddo)
Green Goddess (Environmentally friendly kiddo)
Pro Puzzler (Enjoys solving puzzles)
Score Keeper (Healthy Competition)
“Let Me Tell You All About It” (Full of facts and trivia)
Brilliant Behavior
Stellar Sharing
Homework Hero
Number Ninja
The “Now I know My ABCs Award”
The Bomb at Baseball
Mr. Manners
Ms. Manners
Astounding Attendance (alternate attendance award)
Mr. Congeniality
Ms. Congeniality
Mother Hen
Mr. Nice Guy
Storytelling Star
Ingenious Innovator
Honor Roll Royalty
Soccer Star
Musical Maestro
Dancing Queen
Dancing King
Super Star of Student Council
Morning News Master
Future Weatherman
Strong Arm (ALWAYS Raises Hand)
Most Improved Mathematician
Most Improved Rad Reader
Spanish Superstar
French Fanatic
Squeaky Clean (For always helping clean up)
The “Dot your i and cross your t” Award (For always finding mistakes)
Super Smiler
Quiet Achiever
Stylin’ and Smilin’
Marvelous Messenger
Lyrical Genius
Hug Bug
Pencil Keeper
Phenomenal Friend
Life of the Party
Future YouTube Star
Queen of Emojis
King of Emojis
Morning Meeting Master
STEM Superstar
Bottle Flipping Fanatic
Superb Sportsmanship
Eager Reader
Goal Getter
Fabulous Fidget Collector
Multiplication Champion
Division Champion
Marvelous Mathematician
The Creative Classmate
Passionate Peer
Stand Up Students
Growth Mindset Guru
Eager & Expressive
Pop It Power
The Inventor

**Due to many requests, I also have included a separate file with 4 Bible/Prayer Awards for Christian Schools and a file with 3 Canadian Awards with Canadian spelling**

  • Bible Whiz
  • Enthusiastic Praiser
  • Bible Scholar
  • Prayer Warrior
  • Friendly Neighbour
  • Future Prime Minister
  • Honour Roll Royalty

About Custom Awards: I have added a semi-editable slide so that you can add your own CUSTOM awards. This slide is ONLY available in the ink-saver version and allows you to edit the award title and description. Please note that you will need to download specific fonts (information included in the file) to match the other awards.

About the PowerPoint Version: The PowerPoint Version allows you to add text boxes and type in the names, date, and teacher name! To use the PPT version, simply open the Powerpoint file and add text boxes where you want to add names. (Note: You can’t edit the certificates, but you CAN type in the names).

About Nominations: I have also added a list of all the awards if you choose to have your students nominate them. Also includes an editable nomination form so that you can type in your own list of awards.

LAST UPDATED 4/18/2024

End of the year awards

MORE End of the Year Resources!

End of the Year Memories Task Cards
Summer Fluency Task Cards
End of the Year Math Project
End of the Year LITERACY Activity


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End of the Year Awards