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Christmas Math Project: Christmas Math Activities

# of Pages: 45

File Type(s): ZIP, PDF, Google Apps


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Your students will adore To Grandmother’s House We Go: A Holiday Math Project for the Upper Grades! What better way to get into the spirit of Christmas than a “visit” to Grandmother’s house? Your students will love walking through a trip to Grandmother’s by way of math problems! This Christmas Math Project includes SIXTEEN different pages filled to the brim with engaging, exciting math tasks all related to a visit to grandmother’s house around the holidays!

Students will pack their bags, get on the road, go shopping, buy groceries, build a gingerbread house, wrap their gifts, bake a pie, graph the weather, trim the tree, plot out the tree farm, and do SO MUCH MORE all while practicing critical math skills! This is a great time of year to get a solid skill review in, and this project does just that!

Are you looking for a WINTER THEMED Math Project (no Christmas themes)? Click here!

Skills Reviewed Include:

  • Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
  • Multi-Digit Multiplication & Long Division
  • Perimeter and Area
  • Decimal Place Value (Whole number for 4th grade)
  • Decimals and Fractions (Denominators of 100)
  • Factors and Multiples
  • Measurement
  • Money (Decimals)
  • Fractions
  • Problem-Solving
  • Multi-Step Problems
  • Elapsed Time
  • Data and Graphing

DIGITAL VERSION: This resource includes a digital version using Google Slides!

Grade Levels: This project is best suited for grades 4+, though several of the differentiated pages are useable for 3rd grade or for students needing extra support. The differentiated options and variety of skills included make this suitable for MANY grade levels. Please keep in mind that due to the time of year that you’ll be using this project, you may come across some skills you haven’t yet taught. You can simply eliminate those pages. Don’t worry…there are plenty of activities to choose from!

DIFFERENTIATION: This file includes SEVEN pages of differentiation to meet 4th grade standards. These differentiated pages eliminate some of the more complex problem solving, decimal computation, fraction work, and higher value multiplication and division computations. These options make nearly the entire packet usable for most fourth graders and accessible to ALL students! Many 5th grade teachers are also able to utilize these pages if they have no already taught the 5th grade standards.

Metric Version: This resource includes a Metric Version for applicable pages (12 Pages Total)! Please note the metric version does not include differentiated pages. There are several pages in the original project that did NOT need to be converted to a metric format, so be sure to mix and match versions! A digital version of the included metric pages was added on 12/11/2020.

How to use this Christmas Math Project:

Use what you need, toss what you don’t! Everything you need is here, and you need no additional supplies (except writing utensils, of course). You can use this Christmas Math Project individually, in partners, as a warm up during the weeks before winter break, while working in centers, as an at-home project, etc.

Answer Keys: Answer Keys included on pages where there are definite answers.

A Special Note: One page requires students to figure out how far classmates live from their grandparents, but it is the only page that requires the use of a computer. The page stands alone, so if you can’t access computers or maps, just toss it!

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Christmas Math Project: Christmas Math Activities