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Teaching Cooperation to Kids | The Barnabus Project | SEL

# of Pages: 38

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Are you working to increase cooperation among your students? Do you need ideas and tips to help students work together cooperatively in a group? This set of lessons about cooperation will help kids understand how to work in a group and give plenty of opportunities to practice. (It even includes an escape room-style breakout activity!)

These lessons have been designed to pair with the book The Barnabus Project by the Fan Brothers.

Are you ready to Move Mountains with your students and their character education goals this year? Incorporating SEL activities into your classroom is easy with this picture book companion to help students learn how to embrace imperfections and leave perfectionist tendencies behind.

These lessons about cooperation for kids include five days of engaging and informative activities:

  • Day 1: Students will be introduced to the theme of cooperation.
  • Day 2: Students will learn what it takes to cooperate successfully.
  • Day 3: Students will complete a “breakout” to learn what it means to be cooperative and collaborative.
  • Day 4: Students will demonstrate cooperation by using effective communication skills with a partner.
  • Day 5: Students will be able to explain why working with others can make things easier.

This resource includes EVERYTHING you need to implement these lessons. Just grab a copy of the book (you can also find fun read-aloud versions on YouTube), and you’ll be set to go!

A Note on SEL: The term “SEL” is not incorporated into this product. Each book focuses on specific personal growth skills and themes to use in your classroom for community building, personal growth, and character lessons.

What’s included in this 5-day resource all about cooperation?

  • 3 SEL Class Objectives
  • 5 Days of Complete Lesson Plans for SEL Integration
  • Literacy Integration
  • Talking Points and Big Ideas
  • Before, During, and After Reading Discussion Prompts
  • Are You a Team Player? – A worksheet to help students reflect on their abilities to work in a group
  • Cup Stacking Challenge – A STEM Challenge to build cooperative learning skills, plus a reflection worksheet when kids are done
  • Breakout Challenge – An escape-room-style activity that asks students to work in teams to solve 6 challenges and “break out” of a series of locks.
  • Glass Jar Art Project – An optional art activity to use after the breakout challenge
  • Draw Your Perfect Pet – A partner drawing activity to encourage cooperation
  • Failed Projects to Friends in the Future – A worksheet exploring the unexpected cooperation seen in the text
  • Morning Meeting Greeting Cards
  • 5 Peaks and Pits Social Scenario Cards
  • Extension Activity Suggestions
  • Companion Book Suggestions
  • Slide Decks for selected activities (see preview)

What are the class goals and SEL objectives for The Barnabus Project?

  • We will learn and understand why cooperation is important.
  •  We will be able to identify the elements of successful cooperation.

How Can I Incorporate These Lessons Into My Classroom?

  • Morning Meeting
  • Literacy or Science
  • Read Aloud
  • As guidance or counseling lessons
  • … any way you can dream up!

Our mission with Moving Mountains is to equip teachers with high-quality supplemental lessons that accompany exceptional picture books and teach students critical interpersonal skills. Our goal is to foster a strong classroom community and inspire lifelong learners.  It is our vision that through these lessons, students will become more self-aware about their place and purpose in their classroom community and beyond.

More about Moving Mountains:
❤️ Each book has been carefully selected to appeal to a wide age and grade range (2nd-5th grade) while being easily accessible to teachers. The accompanying lessons were designed with a specific character trait or personal skill in mind. Activities and objectives have been designed to fit within these skills, but please remember that there are many themes and relevant learning opportunities in each book.

❤️ Each week includes multiple lessons and activities. Depending on your classroom setup and the amount of time you have to devote to each book’s lessons, you may pick and choose which ones work best for you and your students.

❤️ While the weekly activities are different to accompany each book, some consistent components include Peaks and Pits Scenario Cards, Morning Meeting Greeting Suggestions, Extension Activities, and Companion Book Suggestions.

Why did we create Moving Mountains? Moving Mountains has been a dream of mine for several years – As a current educator, I am passionate about bringing picture books into my classroom, particularly during my morning meeting to help my students develop their personal goals. Each week, I choose one focus book and a specific skill or skill that it teaches. Throughout the week, we discuss the book and complete different activities relating to it. I have seen incredible growth in my students’ social and personal skills using this method, and I have dreamed of creating full units that are ready to go for teachers! Moving Mountains was born from the need for excellent, ready-to-use companion activities. I have teamed up with Andrea Burns from BookishBurns to create these units for you. I hope you love them as much as we do!

What makes Moving Mountains different from other book companions? We carefully designed these activities to fit the unique elements of each book. With very few elements repeated throughout different books, your students will never tire of seeing the same template activities over and over again. This has also enabled us to create specific, SEL skill-based activities aligned to each book and maximize the impact of these beautifully written picture books.

Why use picture books to teach reading and SEL skills? Simply put, picture books bring SEL skills to life! Picture books are short but beautiful authentic texts that help students see character traits and skills from different perspectives. We can use picture books to explicitly teach these important skills. Instead of telling students what it means to work as a team, we can SHOW them teamwork through character interactions in picture books and allow them to form their own definition of teamwork. Picture books have concrete stories and characters to reference as they continue to think about these skills. As a bonus, picture books are highly engaging for students!


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Teaching Cooperation to Kids | The Barnabus Project | SEL