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Measurement Lessons

# of Pages: 14

File Type(s): ZIP, PDF, Google Apps


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Are you ready to tackle measurement in a new and exciting way? Do you want to take your students’ understanding of customary and metric measurements and conversions to the next level? You NEED these DIFFERENTIATED measurement flipbooks.
Your students will absolutely love these engaging measurement lessons, and you will love the teaching, skill reinforcement, and engaging practice these flipbooks provide.
Differentiation is easy with TWO versions:
➡️ Introductory Measurement is perfect for 3rd and 4th grades
➡️ Advanced Measurement is perfect 5th grade
These measurement flipbooks provide students with a rigorous and engaging review of the following measurement concepts:
Flipbook One (Introductory, 9 pages):
  • Length
  • Weight
  • Capacity
  • Time
Flipbook Two (Advanced, 5 pages):
  • Customary Conversions
  • Metric Conversions
Three Low-Prep and No-Prep Options!
This resource comes in three versions, you can choose the one that works best for your class! 
  • Flipbook with tabs: Print double-sided and cut tabs.
  • Full page with NO tabs: Just print and go!
  • Digital on Google Slides (Full Color)
Want to fit the pages in a notebook? Just print at 75%!
How do these differentiated measurement flipbooks work?
Each flipbook acts as a mini measurement interactive notebook, ready for your math lesson! The left hand side of each skill helps to TEACH the focus skill, acting as a mini anchor chart that students interact with and complete. On the right hand side, students engage in practicing their measurement skills in multiple different ways.
The final section, ‘Put it All Together’ asks students to synthesize all skills in an engaging review of everything they have learned! 
How can I use this in my measurement lessons? 
I suggest using the flipbook as you teach OR review each of these skills. It is a great visual guide for students learning these important strategies and something that students can refer back to week after week. It is also ideal for an end of unit review or nightly homework as you learn these skills.
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Measurement Lessons