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3rd Grade Spiral Math Review | Math Skill of the Day

# of Pages: 160

File Type(s): ZIP, PDF, PPT, Google Apps


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Engage your students in thoughtfully spiraled skill review with just one skill every day with Math Skill of the Day! This 36-week resource (plus 4 weeks of review) will provide your 3rd graders with the perfect amount and type of review and practice to keep their skills sharp. I have taken great care to create this resource with student learning in mind, ensuring that all skills are practiced in many different ways and that they aren’t introduced in the notebook until they have been introduced in most classrooms.

Included in this Notebook:

• 4 weeks (8 pages) of 2nd Grade Skill Review

•36 weeks (72 pages) of 3rd Grade Spiraling Skill of the Day Review

•Answer Keys for all Pages

•Teacher Pacing & Information

•Student Covers

GOOGLE SLIDES version to assign to your students in Google Classroom

In addition to the skill of the day, each week includes Math Fact Practice and a Multi-Step Word Problem.

EVERY 3rd Grade Standard is Reviewed:

→Place Value

→Addition & Subtraction

→Multiplication & Division

→Measurement (Time, Length, Area & Perimeter, Volume & Mass)

→Geometry (Shapes and their attributes)

→Fractions (Drawing, Identifying, Number Lines, Comparing, Equivalence, and more)

→Data & Measurement (Bar Graphs, Pictographs, Line Plots, Data Tables)

**Please see preview for more detailed information about the skills practiced**

I designed this daily math skill resource after searching and searching for the perfect review of math skills and not being able to find exactly what my students needed. I wanted something that would routinely reintroduce my students to the important skills they had learned throughout the year (and in years prior) and engage them in meaningful, relevant practice of ONE SKILL per day.

The pages print beautifully in color, but look great in black and white, too!

Please note there are FOUR days per page on the printable version and ONE page per day on the digital version.


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3rd Grade Spiral Math Review | Math Skill of the Day