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Weekly Language Skill Quick Checks

# of Pages: 80

File Type(s): ZIP, PDF, Google Apps


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Easily assess your students’ language and grammar skill progress with this rigorous and engaging weekly language and grammar review resource. Each week reviews critical grammar, editing, and language skills. Use these grammar quick checks as weekly quizzes, homework, morning work, or review!

Important Note: This 40-week Language Skill Review is the perfect companion to Language Skill of the Day to be used as accompanying homework OR an end-of-the-week quiz on Fridays.  It follows the same scope/sequence as the weekly journal and reviews the same skills as the journal each week.  The language skills are continually spiraled throughout the 40 weeks. HOWEVER, the resource also stands alone as a set of weekly grammar quick checks that can be used as weekly language quizzes, weekly grammar homework, a quick language assessment, and more!


This resource includes:

  • 40 Weeks of Language Skill Quick Checks
  • Digital Versions via Google Slides
  • Answer Keys

The following language and grammar skills are covered:

Parts of Speech
→Nouns & Pronouns
→Verbs & Verb Tenses
→Noun & Verb Agreement
→Adverbs & Adjectives
→Prepositional Phrases

Stellar Sentences
→Types of Sentences
→Sentence Structure
→Fragments & Run-Ons
→Combining Sentences
→Expanding Sentences

→Quotation Marks
→Combo Editing

Word Work
→Precise Word Choice
→Context Clues
→Using Reference Materials
→Affixes & Roots
→Shades of Meaning

Figurative Language
→Similes & Metaphors
→Literal & Figurative Language
→Adages & Proverbs
→Onomatopoeia & Alliteration
→Personification & Hyperbole

I have taken great care to create this resource with student learning in mind, ensuring that all skills are practiced in many different ways.

**Please see preview for more detailed information about the skills practiced and how they are spiraled throughout as a review.**

How to use this resource: You can use these language skill quick checks as morning work, as a warm-up, as whole group or small group practice, nightly homework, a weekly assessment or quiz and more. The options are endless!

Printable and Digital Notes: Each printable week is on one page, and each digital week is on two slides so that your students can easily manipulate the digital components.

Important Note About Grade Levels: I have taken great care to design this resource to meet the varying needs of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers. Please find your grade level below to learn more about how you can expect to use this resource in your classroom.

♦4th grade teachers♦ I highly suggest you use this in conjunction with the Language Skill of the Day Journal. You can use this as a companion to your grammar curriculum to provide rigorous and engaging content practice and assessment.

♦5th grade teachers♦ will love this resource as a review resource. You may need to review and reteach some of the skills along the way, but you can expect that most students will be able to complete the resource with some level of independence.

♦6th grade teachers♦ can expect their students to utilize this resource completely independently as a first-semester review of critical language skills.

The pages print beautifully in color, but look great in black and white, too!


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Weekly Language Skill Quick Checks